General Information

Registration:    A nonrefundable annual registration fee of $10.00 is  required for your child to stay in the ASP program.

Daily Fee:        A daily fee of $7.00 is required. ASP accounts are PREPAID only. 

Late Pick Up Fee:  $1.00 PER MINUTE late fee will be charged for any student that is picked up AFTER 6:00 PM.

Activities:        Homework time, Gym time, Snack, Playground time(weather permitting), educational games, crafts, and group activities.

Hours of Operation

 Alarm_clock_redThe After School Program is open from dismissal until 6:00 p.m. every day that school is in session.  

If school closes because of inclement weather or any other reasons, the After-School Program will also close. In this case, instructions will be followed from the inclement weather form given to the student's homeroom teacher.